When you purchase a new home, you may be required to join a homeowners association, or HOA. Although this may seem like a small matter, it is important to understand the full legal implications of being part of one of these associations. The most common legal issues you can face involving the HOA or another type of property owners association fall into two main categories: homeowner breach of contract and HOA breach of contract.
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Harris County & Montgomery County 2019 - 2020 Holidays
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Gifts and the Law: What to Know Before you Give — or Accept — a Gift
The holidays are rapidly approaching, and the biggest gift-giving days of the year are almost upon us, making this an ideal time to discuss the legalities of gift giving. Most of us know there are some "gifts" you can't legally give. You can't give away your kids, you can't offer a "gift" ( i.e., bribe) to a government official, and while actual monetary limits vary, your work probably won't allow you to accept a large gift either. Even personal gift giving has some legal issues involved -— make sure you are ready to give and receive gifts this holiday season, or any time of year.
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Are Your Legal Affairs in Order? Follow This Checklist to Help You Ensure They Are
It is recommended that at least once a year, or when you have a major, life changing event, you review your estate planning documents to ensure that they are in order. Changes that occur within your life can cause these issues to be dated or no longer relevant. Here is a checklist that you should follow when determining if your legal affairs are in order.
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A last will and testament is a common tool used to document the creator's final wishes. Most wills are relatively mundane, passing property to spouses, children and other relatives without any real surprises. However, throughout history, there have been some wills that caught the world's attention with their odd and unique clauses.
Employment contracts help protect the interests of both the employer and the employee. Either the employee or the employer can be in breach of an employment contract. But when an employee breaches an employment contract, steps must be taken to ensure a fair and equitable settlement.
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Two legal documentations — summons and subpoenas — look similar but are quite different. Learn more about the differences between these two common legal documents.
Everything You Need to Know About the Lone Star Small Business of the Year Award
Lone Star College is proud to support small businesses in our area by hosting the Lone Star Small Business of the Year Award. This award recognizes local businesses who provide valuable and reputable services and also help the community. Here's more information about this prestigious award.
Although it may seem hard to believe, we are already halfway through spring, and summer 2019 will be here before you know it. Fortunately for residents of The Woodlands, Texas and those who live in nearby communities, there is no shortage of events to keep you busy.
Trying to Collect a Debt to Your Business? Follow These Steps.
We understand that you work hard on behalf of your customers. We work just as hard on your behalf to ensure that you are properly compensated when money is owed to you and your Texas business. Are you having trouble collecting a debt? Get in touch. We can help you understand your rights and guide you in the process of getting fair compensation. One of the most frustrating parts of running a business can be ensuring that you are paid fairly and in full when your services are rendered. If a client has failed to pay his bills, Texas law has specific procedures to follow to help you collect the debt and to be made whole. By following the steps prescribed by law, you can increase your chances of a positive outcome.